Välkommen till VÄV

Skandinaviens största tidskrift om textil konst och vävning,
läses i 30 länder!

I Vävmagasinet möter du textila utövare i alla tänkbara textila tekniker, från det traditionella till det mer experimentella. Varje nummer bjuder dessutom på 10 exklusivt framtagna vävbeskrivningar. Vi bevakar utställningar, utbildningar och textila nyheter. Vävmagasinet utkommer med fyra färgstarka nummer per år och trycks i 2 editioner: svensk och engelsk, vi erbjuder också gratis en förkortad tysk översättning av beskrivningarna, sök efter "Deutsche Überzetsung" på vår hemsida! I Japan kan man även läsa den med en japansk bilaga, och i Nederländerna med en förkortad översättning på holländska.

Nybörjare eller erfaren – välkommen i gänget,
börja prenumerera!

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Welcome to VÄV

The main textile and weaving magazine in Scandinavia,
read in 30 countries around the world!

Scandinavian Weaving Magazine meets textile artists and practitioners who work in very varied techniques, from traditional methods to the more experimental. Each issue contains ten weaving projects specially designed for Scandinavian Weaving Magazine. We cover courses, exhibitions and the latest textile news. Scandinavian Weaving Magazine is published in four colourful and inspiring issues annually and is available in two editions: Swedish and English. We also offer a free German translation of the projects and technical articles, just search for "Deutsche Übersetzung" at this site.

Excellent reading for the beginner as well as the experienced weaver - Join us and subscribe!

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Home from the trip to Peru

Three weeks with nice people, all interested in Textile. We have really met a treasure.

Here is a small selection.We started in Lima and saw textiles from Pre-Inca. Incas lasted about 300 years, with 100 years of their

heyday. But cultures have been there before, for thousands of years. As Paracas, the culture that has the largest textile treasure (700

B.C. 100 A.D. )




Or a textile with handpicked feathers, Huari 600-900 A.D.

 In full scale:

 The journey went on over the desert area on the coast, over the mountains, close to 5000 meters and the journey to highlight” – visit the community Chari.Where we besides good food, camp feeling in the dormitory and dance, got to see their textile crafts; spinning of alpaca fibers, vegetable dyes with own plants

(except indigo as they have to buy), warping, weaving and knitting.


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Thank you all in Chari for your hospitality. See you again!

We continued to Cusco and a visit with Nilda Callanaupa working with the Peruvian textile tradition.

Her latest book, Faces of Tradition – Weaving Elders of the Andes

available on Amazon. The book is reviewed in the next issue of VÄV– Scandinavian Weaving Magazine

Are you going to Cusco is a visit to the Textile Center an experience.

It offers a rich variety of weaving techniques of a very fine quality, knitted creations and a very nice museum.



From vävmagasinet we wish you all a lovely weekend. We are now working on with the next issue due out in late November.

In our February issue will be a little bit more from Peru, including the fiber from the cute alpacas and their camel relative of the llama.

In the textile center I bought, among other things, a fine potato sack in alpaca and llama fiber. That you will see then!


Photos from “Under one roof”

In our home town Linköping, the County Museum has a juried exhibition of craft, art, sculpture and textile. It will be open until Jan 11th, 2015.

Hera are some photos:

First an embroidered train “Lakvik” by: Lena Djurström, Risten Lakviks Järnväg, Kerstin Hanstorp, Kerstin Jacobsson, Yvonne Oscarsson, Judit Rogulla, Gunvor Wäreborn, Carin Ängmo.


Embroidery/small tapestry: Vaktstugan Häradskär by Lena Neander, Norsholm


A damask weave by Inger Andersson, Linghem: “Storstaden somnar” (The city is going to sleep)


Annika Rudholm, known from Vävmagasinet has made two “ripsvävar” (repp) in paper and other material.


“Candy”, double weave with rags, by Gabriella Lundqvist, Linköping.


Ulla Thorell, Linköping has woven a monks belt with glittering inlay: “Vinternatt” (Winter night).


Why not a bearskin in natural coloured wool and recycled material? “Slaskbjörn” by Josefin Tingvall, Linköping


Last but not least: A classical view from the bridge of Kungsgatan in Norrköping: a tram and the amazing building “Strykjärnet” ( The Iron) “Spår i staden” (Tracks in the city), embroidery by Jenny Sundström.


Till next week, have a nice weekend and enjoy yourself!

Bengt Arne, Vävmagasinet

Weaving days in Glimåkra, Oct 23-25

Here some pictures from the Weaving days in Glimåkra.
Lots of visitors as usual!
First our booth with Kajsa selling, then two pictures of Ousman Sarr (see VM 2/2014), who
was invited by Lillemor Johansson to the Loom Museum, followed by exhibiton
pictures of “Nätverket Vävformgivning”, Grimslövs Folk High School (students who
started weaving less that 2 months ago!), and a picture of Mette Frøkjær, Denmark.
weaving at the museum.glimakra_1

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Textile Sounds – a sound and textile festival

Lisa Hansson och Stefan Klarverdal är initiativtagare till festivalen, och uppförde även Den lilla Vävoperan. I april har Den stora Vävoperan premiär på Textilmuseet.

Press image for the Textile Sounds festival with the initiators Lisa Hansson and Stefan Klaverdal.
Scene from Den Lilla Vävoperan (The Little Weaving Opera). Photo: Daniel Nilsson.


Music from a sewing machine, infrasound, conductive thread, Syntjuntan och sound waves – just a few examples of what got the air vibrating during the Textile Sounds festival, arranged last weekend at the Textile Museum in Borås. The world´s first festival for textile sound art, according to its initiators Lisa Hansson and Stefan Klaverdal, who also have created The Little Weaving Opera. Four days of concerts, workshops, performances and installations combined struck a multi-faceted artistic chord, one that will no doubt set up ripple effects for some time.


Many of the pieces dealt with the commonality between textiles and sound. Concepts like rhythm, repetition and pattern can be found in both fields, for example. Other pieces were about sound waves, conductive thread, lilypads, sensors and sampling: the theme broadened to sound, textiles, human beings and technics. Can you draw a line between people and music, cells and technics? Between skin and membrane? Beween thread and music wire? A harp and a loom? Or, as Jonna Sandell asked in the show “Den flygande skytteln”: What would a carpet tell us if it could speak? What sounds would it make if it could sing?


And it’s not over yet. Six pieces from the festival are on display at Textilmuseet until 26 Oct. And look out for The Big Weaving Opera opening in April 2015.



Sy tiden. Sewing-machine music by Leo Correia de Verdier, dance Helena Kantinoski. Photo: Stefan Klaverdal.

  Jonna Sandell ur Den flygande skytteln: en konsert om vävning och kärlek. Av och med Jonna Sandell och Emma Nordenstam.

Jonna Sandell, in Den flygande skytteln: en popkonsert om vävning och kärlek. With Jonna Sandell and
Emma Nordenstam. Photo: Sanna Gustavsson.

  Den lilla Vävoperan

The Little Weaving Opera by and with Lisa Hansson and Stefan Klaverdal.
Photo: Linda Isaksson.


Paulina Nilsson was one of the visitors at Textile Sounds. She had made a piano shirt by conductive thread, sensors, a lilypad and a speaker on her shoulder. Photo: Sanna Gustavsson.


In Thud by Rasmus Persson and Richard Ljungdahl Eklund, electrical signals from a synth produce fluctuations in the membrane of the speaker element, producing soundwaves too low for us to hear. Fishing line connects the speaker element to a piece of cloth, turning it into an even bigger membrane that itself moves about. Photo: Stefan Klaverdal.


Picture from the concert with Elsy & The Needle from Syntjuntan. Photo: Stefan Klaverdal.

A visit to a wonderful weaver

We have had a nice autumn day with Kirstine Packalén in Aneby, Småland, Sweden.

A tip!

If you have a lot of samples from a workshop dyeing yarn, do as Kirstine,

make a rya with a diagonal of each colour.

Leave a space = one knot in a diagonal to make the pattern.




Or weave with chenille…

In the next issue 4/14 of Vävmagasinet we show you how.





The last picture shows the rölakan rug Kirstine wove to Säby Kyrka, Tranås.


Thank you Kirstine for a lovely day!

We wich you all a nice “weaving weekend”.

Tina Ignell


Friday news from Scandinavian Weaving Magzine; Textile shows at Virserum’s art hall in Småland.

Until September 14 you can se Best in Sweden at Virserums Art Hall in Virserum, Småland, Sweden.


And the show showing some very interesting Textile art, in the same building, one floor above.

Eleonor Frankenberg, shows a way to create a colour- in-weave.

Below, Klara Neros recycling dress, Twistin’s weave with natural materials in weft and an knitted woman with child by Sandra Magnusson.textilsommar_MG_2626                 textilsommar_MG_2630   textilsommar_MG_2633 textilsommar_MG_2634

Heavenly beauty, Himmelskt vackert, at Klostret in Ystad

It is colourful and beautiful and very very rich – the exhibition with woven treasurs from Skåne.

Here is a gallery of pictures.

The techniques are:



Rosepath, Rosengång


Dukagång what we call a Blådrätt Blå is for Blue since the weft is dyed blue. This one is woven by Hanna Larsdotter year 1767.


A book about the exhibition is now availible. Just contact: www.ystad.se/klostret


If you like to read more about Textiles in Skåne, Vävmagasinet number 2 2013 is a theme with a lot of articles and projects.


To all our subscribers and to all of you who are waiting to join us. A new issue is out now!


Lace making in Vadstena, Sweden

Visit “Spetsmuseet” and the summerexhibition with a lot of

exiciting lace making; as Birgitta Hulterströms bowls

and Ingrid Eggiman-Jonsson’s birds.


25 juni – 17 augusti kl 13.00 – 17.00
Spetsmuseet i Gottfrid Larssongården, Skänningegatan 9, Vadstena



France: Chinon

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World wide weaving

In Chinon, not far from Tours, France

. Terre-mé-Tisse final